At Lyndhurst Community of Faith Church thoughtful spiritual formation allows us to claim a love that has the power to shape and transform us. All of us, from a young toddler to faith leaders, long time members to confirmands, we all share in the discovery of what God is doing.
All children are invited to worship. We gather each week for children’s sharing time, centered around our God’s World cloth. Discussions with children follow what is happening in worship. A special children’s center is set up in the rear of the sanctuary offering rocking chairs and quite children’s activities and books.
Front Door Sunday School: Ages 3 to 5th grade –
- Sunday School happens September -May – Children gather for class time following children’s sharing in worship, except on the first Sunday of each month. The first Sunday each month is set aside for Holy Communion and the opportunity for children and family to practice worship together.
Our class time focuses on the stories of the Bible capture the imagination and shape the beginning of faith. We believe God is very much a part of who we are and is well at home in our heart. In this class children are invited to throw the door to their heart wide open and allow God to settle in.